Folders removed from local drive for no reason

My Insync has been out of action for a month due to another issue (see Sync stuck on scanning
) which was finally fixed for me today.

However the first thing Insync did when I finally got it to connect and sync properly was to remove an entire folder of important documents from my local drive, the folders are no longer listed anywhere in Insyncs app display, but are present and correct when I go to OneDrive with my web browser to view them, so they haven’t been deleted. However, it now seems to be impossible to sync them back to my computer since Insync refuses to recognise that they exist.

The folder is owned by another OneDrive user, but is shared with me with “ownership” rights so we can both manage the contents.

Exiting and restarting Insync has done no good and the same thing happened on a second computer with an identical setup shortly after I fixed the sync issue on that one as well, so this isn’t insolated to one computer.

How do I force InSync to pick these folders up again?

Ok, I managed to get this back (somehow) be resharing the folder with myself… that caused it to pop up again.

Hi @tim1mw! That is… indeed quite odd. It would seem like it was unshared to you (unshares can lead to local copies being removed), but that would be weird since you collab on this with the other user.

Can you check the online activity for that particular folder and see if it was indeed unshared?