#HEADLESS #LINUX "Your authentication token has expired"

This last workaround didn’t work for me.

When I start insync-headless the application throws the following errors to console:

$ insync-headles start
[Errno 13] Permission denied: '.'INFO     2023-05-09 21:54:42,557 [mainlogs:_log_run:139] Core(app_version=, platform=Linux-x86_64-fedora/38) initialized
    $ WARNING  2023-05-09 21:54:42,757 [base_events:_run_once:1767] Executing <Task finished coro=<SettingsMain._load_settings() done, defined at ideskcore/mainsettings.py:186> result=None created at ideskcore/mainsettings.py:160> took 0.188 seconds
    INFO     2023-05-09 21:54:42,782 [app:start_core:49] core started
    INFO     2023-05-09 21:54:42,783 [unix_socket_server:start:106] unix socket server thread start
    INFO     2023-05-09 21:54:43,417 [httpclient:request:192] Curl error CurlError(65, "necessary data rewind wasn't possible") while requesting to 'www.insynchq.com'.
    INFO     2023-05-09 21:54:43,418 [httpclient:request:195] Retrying later...

Last two lines appear in the terminal every minute.

When I add the account then it throws the following error (I remove the token for security purposes):

$ insync-headless account add -a X/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -c gd -p '/home/user/Documents/Google Drive' -e MS_OFFICE
ERROR    2023-05-09 21:55:41,600 [workbase:__run:257] While running AlternativeLogin(cloud='gd', auth_code='X/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "idesksync/workbase.py", line 246, in __run
  File "ideskcore/loginwork.py", line 127, in _do
  File "idesksync/oauth2client.py", line 103, in get_api_key
  File "idesknet/httpclient.py", line 187, in request
idesknet.httpclient.HTTPResponseError: (<HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST: 400>, b'{\n  "error": "redirect_uri_mismatch",\n  "error_description": "Bad Request"\n}')
ERROR    2023-05-09 21:55:41,602 [workbase:_log_task_exception:449] While running AlternativeLogin(cloud='gd', auth_code='X/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "idesksync/workbase.py", line 246, in __run
  File "ideskcore/loginwork.py", line 127, in _do
  File "idesksync/oauth2client.py", line 103, in get_api_key
  File "idesknet/httpclient.py", line 187, in request
idesknet.httpclient.HTTPResponseError: (<HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST: 400>, b'{\n  "error": "redirect_uri_mismatch",\n  "error_description": "Bad Request"\n}')
Sorry, an error occurred: (<HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST: 400>, b'{\n  "error": "redirect_uri_mismatch",\n  "error_description": "Bad Request"\n}')

This is the output of version command:

$ insync-headless version

As I said in my previous post, if I go to https://myaccount.google.com/u/0/permissions I don’t see insync as an allowed application.


I am currently dealing with a presumably unrelated issue (subscription expiration). So, can’t troubleshoot this more right now - until that’s resolved. Sorry.

Hi @maicmarin

Can you try using the token from this url instead?

Hey @Kurt_Ko,

Same error

$ insync-headless account add -a XXXXXXXXXXXX -c gd -p '/home/user/Documents/Google Drive' -e MS_OFFICE
Sorry, an error occurred: (<HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST: 400>, b'{\n  "error": "redirect_uri_mismatch",\n  "error_description": "Bad Request"\n}')

After allowing Insyc to access my account the application name does not show up in the Third-party applications with account access page.

Hi @Mecha_Weasel! I sent an email reply regarding the expired subscription, let me know if you got it!

Hi @maicmarin

Can you send us the output of apt-cache policy insync-headless ?

Hey @Kurt_Ko,

I am using fedora. There is no apt-get in this distribution.

Thanks for the follow-up.


Hi @maicmarin

Can you run these instead and send us the output?

dnf list installed | grep insync
cat /etc/os-release

Hey… here you are:

$ dnf list installed | grep insync
insync-headless.x86_64                   @@commandline

$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Fedora Linux"
VERSION="38 (Server Edition)"
PRETTY_NAME="Fedora Linux 38 (Server Edition)"
VARIANT="Server Edition"

Yes, got it. That worked (in terms of getting my subscription activated again). So, syncing to DropBox is working again for me. Catching-up on the thread here regarding the Google Drive issues.

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Hi @maicmarin

Can you try retrieving and auth code from https://connect.insynchq.com/auth?cloud=gd and adding it to insync-headless?

Note that the URL above starts with https://connect.insynchq... this is different from https://www.insynchq...

Hi @Kurt_Ko,

Unfortunately using provided link didn’t work. I got this same error. :frowning:

Any other think you want me to test?

Output of cat /etc/os-release; for my setup:

PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

However, I am probably going to do an in-place upgrade from Debian 10/“Buster” to Debian 11/“Bullseye” next week.

PS: Output of insync-headless version; is …

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To avoid any complications with being signed-into multiple Google accounts in the same browser, I am doing this now to see if it makes any difference:

  1. Opening a new “Incognito” window in Chrome.
  2. Signing-into G-Mail, in that “Incognito” window.
  3. Opening https://connect.insynchq.com/auth?cloud=gd, in that “Incognito” window.
  4. Completing the setup of Insync-Headless using the auth code generated, in that “Incognito” window.

So far, everything seems to be working (at least account added successfully, and seems to be starting to sync / “scanning”). I will monitor to see if it stays that way, or (as before) later starts complaining about an “expired authentication token” after a while.

PS: Did that for all three (3) instances of Insync-Headless, each using a different authentication code generated in that “Incognito” window under Chrome.

UPDATE: 4 Hours later and …

  1. All three (3) instances eventually reached “SYNCED” status.
  2. The setup survived a REBOOT of the operating system.
  3. No indications of “authentication token has expired” so far.

I will continue to monitor over the weekend, and report back early next week to be sure.

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Another update:

  • A couple of days later, I can report that everything seems to be working as expected!
  • No “authentication token expired” errors to report.
  • Working on all three (3) instances as expected.
  • Survived an operating system reboot.

I have successfully re-synced everything I had working before at this point. And seems to be keeping in sync again now.


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That’s superb, @Mecha_Weasel! I appreciate the updates. Feel free to comment on this thread if anything comes up. Fingers crossed!

@maicmarin Pinged Kurt regarding this already - thank you for giving it a try and apologies for the continued troubles!

Hi @maicmarin

Can you try removing access to Insync for your Google account here: https://myaccount.google.com/permissions

and then follow these steps from @Mecha_Weasel

Opening a new “Incognito” window in Chrome.
Signing-into G-Mail, in that “Incognito” window.
Opening https://connect.insynchq.com/auth?cloud=gd, in that “Incognito” window.
Completing the setup of Insync-Headless using the auth code generated, in that “Incognito” window.

Hi @Kurt_Ko,

I’m sorry to say that I received the same error.

Perhaps something that can give you more insights is that I am setting Insync-Headless in a remote headless fedora server (I access this remote server using ssh). This remote box does not have desktop GUI nor web browser.

I sign into my google account using chrome in a windows 10 laptop (in normal or incognito mode) and I copy/paste the authorization token.

I hope the above information is relevant


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