High CPU use on idle

My insync is using more then 30% of my CPU on idle. no files being transfer! I realize that after upgrading to Windows 10. not sure if same problem occurred on win 7.


@Tiago_Goulart: How many files are present in your local Insync folder(s)?

Please try this build: https://docs.google.com/a/insynchq.com/uc?id=0B3IOdW-9p9oLRjZMVjNaR01kRzQ&export=download and let us know if it improves the situation.


I have 100GB of files, 12,700 files, 271 folders and my Insync version is
I have not installed the build you mentioned. can I use it now that is the 1.3.2 version available?
I have seen may people complaining about the same problem with no solution from you guys. Really considering migrating to DROPBOX.

@Tiago_Goulart: No, you must not install that version now that you are on 1.3.2 - when do you experience high CPU usage? Is it during just after start? If so, for how long?