High-level folders duplicated inside lower level folders after moving directories

I reorganized my folder structure on my laptop – i.e. did not delete anything, just moved some folders inside other folders. Instead of a move, however, the higher level folders were copied inside lower level folders.

Where should I even start to troubleshoot this?

Hey Vallo,

Some screenshots would help us see what the current structure is locally versus what’s shown on Google Drive (since the forums title mentions that it was not moved in GDrive).

Could you send those to support@insynchq.com with the link to this post? :slight_smile:

Thank you! The initial title is, indeed, misleading – when I wrote it, I had an impression that the folders were not moved at all (since I found folders in the source location). Only later I discovered that they were copied/duplicated to the target location as well.

Here’s how it looked like:


| folder_C
|---- folder_A
|---- folder_B
| folder_D


| folder_A
| folder_B
| folder_C
|---- folder_A
|---- folder_B
| folder_D

For what it’s worth, the source folder_A and folder_B (at the highest level) in Insync’s GDrive view did not have any green/yellow/blue status symbol on the lower left side of folder icon. The ones duplicated inside folder_C had green symbol.

Re: screenshot. I cannot. I fixed the folders manually and for whatever reason, it is working now so I cannot recreate the issue. So it is just for the record if someone else struggles with this, maybe there’s a bug afterall.

It might have been some sort of hiccup from:

  • Upgrading from a much older insync and trying to sync a pre-existing sync-ed folder
  • I had “Insync prime” purchased 2018 and I kept going on this one (so, only now I “upgraded” my account to “Solo Sync” (for 0$); maybe this fixed it).
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Hi @Vallo_Varik!

Many thanks for the detailed info :slight_smile: And I’m glad to know that you were able to sort out the duplication! It’s perhaps related to a failed file-matching when re-using an existing folder since you mentioned you went from an older version to the latest one. Any chance you still have the logs.db and out.txt from when the issue arose, or did you delete the logs and started over? If it’s the former, we’d like to check it out!

Also - what would be a modified title for this post? “High-level folders duplicated inside lower level folders after moving directories”?

I agree, somewhat failed file-matching is most likely issue.

I have both logs.db (119Mb) and out.txt (25Mb) around, happy to share, but are they of help if I am not exactly sure when did I move the folders around (within 1-2 weeks before March 11)? Also note the size of logs.db (I recon failing to share it with Insync Support in the past for it being too big).

Your proposed title is to the point, would be nice if you could fix it (I can’t find a way to edit it).

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Hi @Vallo_Varik,

No worries if there is no certainty as to when the move was made! You can send the following to support@insynchq.com, aside from the log files:

  • name of the folders that were duplicated

We will check for any activities before March 11.

As for the logs, you may upload it in the cloud (your Drive or WeTransfer) and provide the shared link that we can download :slight_smile: Thank you!

PS. Edited the title already :slight_smile: