I’m weighing in here, as a long-time Insync and Dropbox user, who is now attempting to migrate all of my dropbox files to G Drive via Insync…
What a monumental PITA this is. I currently have about 218,000 files queued up, and no way to maximise the speed of the upload, despite being on a fast and reliable connection.
Bandwidth management is a fundamental requirement for a tool of this nature, and an exhaustive search of the forum using the keywords ‘bandwidth’ and/or ‘speed’ indicates that customers have been asking about this for almost five years, and Insync keeps saying ‘we’re working on it.’
Seriously? You must have an absolutely brutal churn rate if you can keep pushing off customers for that long.
So here’s a novel idea. Put it in the roadmap, and let us know when it’s going to be implemented, and then execute on it.
And in the meantime, if there IS a work around, whether that’s through terminal, or using some third party app to manage the bandwidth, put that information front and centre so we can all move past a limitation that cripples the usefulness of this app for any major migration events.