How Do I Stop Insync from Deleting and Redownloading

A physical external drive disconnected that I was syncing two way to the cloud. When I restored it, I was horrified to see that Insync was deleting folders with the same name in the cloud and backing up the ones with an identical name on my desktop… instead of just looking at the file changes in the same-named folder.

I got it to stop, and I restored the files in Google Drive, but I am frustrated. How do I tell it to stop doing this? I realize I’m not losing anything, but it will require a LONG time to download nearly 800gb of data fresh!

I should also add, that as I’ve tried to fix this, I made it worse (I think). It seems like I might end up with doubles of everything, but I don’t have the space for that. And if I disable the sync, it says it will remove the folder from my computer!