How to avoid local auto-sync of new cloud folders?

I was able to select whether to auto-sync new Cloud folders in earlier verions of Insyn 3.x.

On one machine I do not want to auto-sync new folder.

I cannot see this feature in 3.7.3.

Has it been removed? Has it been moved somewhere else…?

(see screenshots in older, related topic here: Items created in cloud don't auto sync locally)



Hi @james-h!

To disable auto-sync of new folders, you may click on the gear icon and disable these two settings:

Thanks Mia - I see these options for My Drive.

I do not see them for Shared Drive & (to clarify my OP) I am working with Shared Drives.

Ah, I see! This feature is indeed for My Drive at the moment and I would be happy to forward this as a feature improvement in the auto-sync settings. I will verify if this was available in earlier 3.x versions - as far as development goes, this seems to be present in 1.x but not 3.x. I will circle back to it once I know more!

Per checking, adding new Shared Drive folders to the root directory (ie creating a new Shared Drive) does not lead to an auto-sync. However, adding items (both files and folders) into an already synced Shared Drive folder leads to the auto-sync behavior you mentioned.

Am I understanding correctly that you would like the latter behavior to be addressed?

Thanks Mia, and yes I’m interested in selective auto-sync on Shared Drives.

You can think of it this way with an example use case:

  • Company has several Shared Drives.
  • Each Shared Drive holds many Projects.
  • Each Project may have many large files.
  • Many people are working on different projects.
  • Each person only wants to see their project(s).
  • If a new project is added to the Shared Drive, we do not want all people to auto-sync with it.
  • Only people working on the new project choose to sync.

This keeps things efficient in terms of local storage and network bandwidth, while also keeping things flexible (as people can join/leave a project easily).

Hope this helps.

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It definitely helps solidify how important this feature would be, @james-h! Thank you so much - I have forwarded this to our Product Team :slight_smile: