Ignore List Glob pattern for sub-folders

The Ignore List is a fantastic feature that is motivating to move from Dropbox. The issue I’m having is finding a correct way to ignore sub-folders in a pattern.

For example:
– ignore
– another
– keep
– toignore

“ignore” - properly ignores the “ignore” folder
“another/toignore” - does not ignore the “toignore” folder

I’ve tried:


It says it supports full glob matching, but I can’t figure out this pattern?


the ignore rule doesn’t work for folder paths, just folder names. that’s why it worked for the “ignore” folder :slight_smile: if you set a rule to ignore the folder “toignore”, it will be applied even if it’s a subfolder

This is another fail on customer communication on Insync’s part.

It’s fine if the feature has limitations, in this case - only file/folder name matching. BUT why do you advertise it as “full” glob syntax?!?! It is NOT.

thanks for the feedback @Hawk. I’d like to investigate further to make sure there’s no mis-communication with the feature.

I take it that when you say:

You’re referring to step #3 in our Ignore List how-to where we wrote:

Perhaps the line “full glob syntax” is causing the confusion? cc @5_Inline_Technical

To be clear, here’s how Glob syntax is used to set ignore rules in Insync:

This can be viewed by going to the Ignore List tab > clicking ‘more’

Complete Ignore List how-to: https://forums.insynchq.com/t/how-to-use-the-ignore-list/43 – let us know if needs improvement :slight_smile:

Yes, “full glob syntax” is the source of confusion and hence disappointment. Everything else in this “how-to” is fine.

Any relatively mainstream implementation of glob syntax supports full file path matching. By this standard Insync’s implementation is not “full”.

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Is there any plan to improve this function?

Hi @kallookoo, we’re looking into redesigning the Ignore List feature if there’s a better way to do it.

What improvements do you have in mind? How would you use the feature in your daily workflow?

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Hi @gio,

My proposal would be the following

For the files only:

‘name’, ‘name.ext’, ‘*.ext’, full path and using the first mentioned methods (in case we want to manage a file or files in a specific address)

For folders only:

‘folder/’, ‘folder/subfolder/’ (or more subfolders), full path and using the first mentioned methods (it would be the same as in the files)

For files and folders:
‘folder/ *’ so that everything inside that folder we decide what to do and obviously the folder too, it does not make sense to synchronize an empty folder.

I have the same as before with support for full path (without regex, it would be very ambiguous).

In the folders that are mandatory add the “/” at the end to distinguish between files and folders or in the gui add two or three sections one for files one for folders and for both cases so the user will understand better to be differentiated and thus would not be mandatory "/ " at the end.

And all in case sensitive, Important for me.

with all these characteristics it would be perfect for me, I manage many files and it makes the organization much easier.

I may ask a lot but I think you use python so there are several ways to do it.

Thank you, for all

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Any more input here? Doesn’t feel like this issue is resolved since I still do not know how to ignore sub-folders. This is basically killing my CPU because of constant syncing of local development files. Any way to add something like .insyncignore file or something?

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