Incomplete sync - how to sort out?

I’m seeing a few threads along similar lines as I type this, but they seem stale / unloved. I have been seeing a significant increase in missing files (not always the same files) across different machines. Insync on those machines seems to think it’s got everything, but that isn’t the case.

If I rename the missing file on the main workstation (where it still remains, and has an Insync ‘green’ overlay icon), this seems to kick Insync into finally making it show up elsewhere. However, when I rename it back to the correct name, that rename may (randomly, and not always) either cause the file to disappear again on the other machines or fail to follow the rename. Throughout, Insync constantly shows the green tick on its icon in the system tray.

It’s causing a fair amount of irritation as these are all different across the machines here and checking deep folder and file hierarchies is very time consuming.

Just in case it was a question of file tracking being broken, on the main workstation, I used 7-zip to compress the entire Google Drive folder, just to see if the read accesses would be enough to nudge things, but it doesn’t seem to have helped very much.

Hi @philstopford - thanks for posting this here. From our email exchange, you mentioned it’s possible that the renames are being treated as delete+reupload, but since there are inconsistencies in the sync, the uploads may not be caught by Insync on the other machine.

We’ll be patiently waiting for the logs as you organize some things on your end. Thank you once again!