Incomplete syncing on ubuntu xenial

I have insync installes in several unubtu xenial systems. The las one I installed didn’t sync all files? How do I fix this problem?

Tagging our engineer @jimperio and he will get back to you.

Hello @Elias_Tahhan could you describe in more detail how syncing failed? Did it fail to upload some files, or to download some files? Did you for instance select a folder to sync, not all items of which got downloaded properly?

Hello @jimperio

I have three sorts of not syncronised files :

  • Those in .insync-trash folders (that’s ok)
  • Those wich are gdocuments in a folder and converted by insync on other system (that’s ok)
  • But, I had two documents a doc document and a pdf document which were in an oldest Google Drive Folder
    and didn’t sync neither in the other two folders. I had to move the documents to another folder and then
    put them back on their place to perform the syncing. This bother me. Do you have a hint about the reason of this ?

@Elias_Tahhan Hmm, to clarify, are the non-syncing documents in multiple folders on Drive? Right now, Insync just chooses one of the folders (preferring the My Drive root folder) to download such documents to.

@jimperio Both non-syncing documents were on Google Drive root folder.

@Elias_Tahhan Hmm, we haven’t encountered reports of this issue before, so I’m sorry to say that we don’t have an explanation at the moment.

Please send us an email at and share with us your logs.db and the entire dbs folder (located at ~/.config/Insync). Also include the names of the non-syncing documents. Thank you!