I’m trying to add a Ubuntu repo and am getting the following errors when trying to do the ‘sudo apt-get update’.
Err http://apt.insynchq.com trusty/non-free amd64 Packages
403 Forbidden
Err http://apt.insynchq.com trusty/contrib amd64 Packages
403 Forbidden
Err http://apt.insynchq.com trusty/non-free i386 Packages
403 Forbidden
Err http://apt.insynchq.com trusty/contrib i386 Packages
403 Forbidden
I’ve successfully added the key as shown by the output of ‘sudo apt-key list’:
pub 2048R/ACCAF35C 2012-09-10 [expires: 2016-09-10]
uid Insynchq Inc <services@insynchq.com>
sub 2048R/02DFE7E7 2012-09-10 [expires: 2016-09-10]
The line in /etc/apt/sources.list looks like:
/etc/apt/sources.list:62:deb http://apt.insynchq.com/debian trusty non-free contrib
Does anyone see anything obviously wrong?