Insync 3.9x vs previous version

@nomadfh Let me ask our Linux engineer to look into this lead. Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Just to clarify, I am NOT using Wayland, but I DO use nvidia opengl graphics drivers as provided by Debian packages (which are the commercial drivers from nvidia tailored for debian). I thought of this possibility because I ran insync 3.9 as root wondering if that were the issue (which is wasn’t) but I got a different error message at the very beginning that made me suspect graphics driver (don’t remenber exactly, but something about RNG).

I think the default graphics driver for Debian IS Wayland, so if insync has been built to use Debian default, perhaps it has been built to run with Wayland ? Nvidia drivers are still much faster than Wayland as best I can tell, and I also need opengl for other packages I still use.

I have an older nvidia graphics card and use th legacy nvidia driver. Here is the list of my nvidia-related debian packages installed from the debian archives for bookworm:

i glx-alternative-nvidia 1.2.2 amd64 allows the selection of NVIDIA as GLX provider
ii libegl-nvidia-tesla-470-0:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary EGL library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libegl-nvidia-tesla-470-0:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA binary EGL library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libgl1-nvidia-tesla-470-glvnd-glx:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary OpenGL/GLX library (GLVND variant) (Tesla 470 version)
ii libgl1-nvidia-tesla-470-glvnd-glx:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA binary OpenGL/GLX library (GLVND variant) (Tesla 470 version)
ii libgles-nvidia-tesla-470-1:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary OpenGL|ES 1.x library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libgles-nvidia-tesla-470-1:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA binary OpenGL|ES 1.x library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libgles-nvidia-tesla-470-2:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary OpenGL|ES 2.x library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libgles-nvidia-tesla-470-2:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA binary OpenGL|ES 2.x library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libglx-nvidia-tesla-470-0:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary GLX library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libglx-nvidia-tesla-470-0:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA binary GLX library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-egl-wayland1:amd64 1:1.1.10-1 amd64 Wayland EGL External Platform library – shared library
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-cbl:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary Vulkan ray tracing (cbl) library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-cfg1:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary OpenGL/GLX configuration library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-cuda1:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA CUDA Driver Library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-cuda1:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA CUDA Driver Library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-eglcore:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary EGL core libraries (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-eglcore:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA binary EGL core libraries (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-encode1:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVENC Video Encoding runtime library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-encode1:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVENC Video Encoding runtime library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-glcore:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary OpenGL/GLX core libraries (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-glcore:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA binary OpenGL/GLX core libraries (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-glvkspirv:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary Vulkan Spir-V compiler library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-glvkspirv:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA binary Vulkan Spir-V compiler library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-ml1:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA Management Library (NVML) runtime library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-nvcuvid1:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA CUDA Video Decoder runtime library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-nvcuvid1:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA CUDA Video Decoder runtime library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-ptxjitcompiler1:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA PTX JIT Compiler library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-ptxjitcompiler1:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA PTX JIT Compiler library (Tesla 470 version)
ii libnvidia-tesla-470-rtcore:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary Vulkan ray tracing (rtcore) library (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-egl-common 525.147.05-7~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary EGL driver - common files
ii nvidia-installer-cleanup 20220217+3~deb12u1 amd64 cleanup after driver installation with the nvidia-installer
ii nvidia-kernel-common 20220217+3~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary kernel module support files
ii nvidia-modprobe 535.54.03-1~deb12u1 amd64 utility to load NVIDIA kernel modules and create device nodes
ii nvidia-persistenced 525.85.05-1 amd64 daemon to maintain persistent software state in the NVIDIA driver
ii nvidia-settings-tesla-470 470.161.03-1 amd64 tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-support 20220217+3~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary graphics driver support files
ii nvidia-tesla-470-alternative 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 allows the selection of NVIDIA as GLX provider (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-driver 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA metapackage (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-driver-bin 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA driver support binaries (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-driver-libs:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA metapackage (OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES libraries) (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-driver-libs:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA metapackage (OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES libraries) (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-egl-icd:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA EGL installable client driver (ICD)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-egl-icd:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA EGL installable client driver (ICD)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-kernel-dkms 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary kernel module DKMS source (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-kernel-support 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary kernel module support files (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-smi 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA System Management Interface (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-vdpau-driver:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix - NVIDIA driver (Tesla 470)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-vulkan-icd:amd64 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA Vulkan installable client driver (ICD) (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-tesla-470-vulkan-icd:i386 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 i386 NVIDIA Vulkan installable client driver (ICD) (Tesla 470 version)
ii nvidia-vulkan-common 525.147.05-7~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA Vulkan driver - common files
ii xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-tesla-470 470.223.02-4~deb12u1 amd64 NVIDIA binary Xorg driver (Tesla 470 version)

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My journalctl output when I try to open the insync app (under wayland) is this:

May 05 20:28:35 Sitara insync.desktop[15135]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()

@freelsjd @nomadfh I have forwarded your particular setups to our engineers to get to the bottom of this issue. Thank you!

@freelsjd Btw sorry, forgot to mention that I got your email with the requested outputs :slight_smile: I’ve sent it to @Kurt_Ko for investigation.

@nomadfh Since you’ve observed this issue only on Wayland, could you try this command please: QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb insync start --no-daemon and then let me know how it goes :slight_smile:

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Please see above notes. If I am running Wayland, I don’t know it. I am running tde. I have contacted tde developers, and they have informed me that tde runs fine on wayland. But, my nvidia driver is active, and nvidia settings are visible. So, I think I am not running wayland. But, I can certainly give this command a try for you here.

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Hi @freelsjd, the command above is only for users who are running Wayland. I’ve tagged the user specifically, so this does not apply for your setup. :slight_smile: Thank you very much!

Mia, I have tested this latest update of v3.9.0.60002 under both gnome and tde desktops. It behaves exactly the same as fhe previous v3.9.0.60000. That is, upon startup, it remains in startup and never completes, therefore, it is completely unusable on my debian/12.5/bookwork system. I can downgrade to the previous version with no other changes, and it works great as expected. Thank you for all your help, and I hope it gets fixed soon.

@freelsjd I appreciate your update on this, James. I’ve alerted Kurt on the most recent developments so we can continue working on the improvements for the next version. Thank you very much! Please let me know if you need anything else from me for now.

3.9 won’t start on my 20.04 Ubuntu MATE desktop either (reported separately as well). The prior version works great. Not running Wayland

@Bill_Miller Hi! Could you confirm if it’s or Thank you!

Could Insync stuff confirm the current status of Insync 3.9x??? Is this problem the main reason why Insync 3.9x is still not available on PPAs?

The Insync for Linux is not available??!! So, why @mia mentioned this release?

Apologies for not being clear in my previous post! I am confirming their Insync version because we shared a test version for some users to try. An example would be this one: Insync for Ubuntu 24.04

Let me forward your concern with our Linux Team. Thank you for your patience!

I don’t know where to get that version. I’m on 20.04

@mia This is completely chaotic discussion from your site??!! Try to be more precise and focused in your answers!!!

Hi @Bill_Miller! Please try the version here:

Make sure to uninstall the existing version you have before installing the one above :slight_smile: Let me know how it goes!

@michal.kvasnicka Hi! I’m not quite sure what issue you’re currently facing. Could you expound and provide further details, so I can assist you further? Please also specify your OS distro and Insync version.

As for the PPAs - I have responded here: New Insync Version: 3.9.0

Thank you very much!

Same behavior. “Illegal instruction” and does not start. Reinstalled old version, all is well.

I noticed this message during uninstalling the old version: while removing insync, directory ‘/usr/lib/insync’ not empty so not removed

Also found this in my logs

WARNING: Kernel Errors Present
traps: insync[311755] trap invalid opcode ip:7fa4eed935f6 sp:7ffecff8e780 error:0 in[7fa4eed61000+323000]