Can you release the Insync client as a Flatpak on Flathub?
Since both Spotify and Steam is now available on Flathub, the only application that I currently have to use third-party repos for is Insync. It would be great if you could offer your client there as well.
We will look into this. Thanks for the suggestion!
Are there any news about future releases via flatpak or snappy?
I would think releasing Insync as a flatpak or snap package would be high on the priority list as it would cut down on the time it takes to test each Linux version across the different distributions. Additionally the package could be hosted on Flathub rather than the Insync staff having to host their own repos which it seems aren’t updated regularly (1.4.6 isn’t in the Fedora repo yet). Personally I would prefer flatpak over snap since RHEL and CentOS do not include support for snap.
Hi guys! I’ll +1 you guys on this request! Will raise it to our team.
Just noting support for this request. A snap package or flatpak would be appreciated!
I did some work on a flatpak for this a while ago. If anyone is willing to finish it up, test it and put it on Flathub, feel free.
Hello all!
Just to let everyone know, we are currently working on this If you want to help test, let us know in the comments below and @Kurt_Ko will send you test builds.
We treat Linux as a first class citizen.
I’d love to test Insync as a flatpak installation. Sign me up.
Thanks @Sandor_Klaus_Odor!
That would be awesome, i still get fontconfig based sigints on arch linux, a flatpac would be great!!
Using Insync as a Flatpak would be really cool! If you guys are still looking for testers, I’d love to try this out.
Where are y’all with this? I ask because I’m currently using Silverblue and, as far as I can tell, can’t use Insync anymore. I have another computer I use, so it’s not the end of the world, but it would be great if this happened sometime soon.
Yes I need insync as a Flatpak I’m using Clear Linux and am unable to install.
Hi guys, we haven’t investigated this in a while, we apologize as we’ve been prioritizing Insync 3. We plan to revisit this soon, however, due to the restrictions it had before we decided it wasn’t right for us. Hopefully they have made some improvements that will allow us to finally do so.
I am also very interested in a flatpak!
Many thanks in advance,
Yes. Looking foward to move to Fedora Silverblue and Flatpak support would be way to go. I suggests the devs to look into Flatpak 1.6 capabilities and if it really doesn’t work contact the Flatpak developers and see what can be done as the future of linux applications is in containerization.
I’m also interested in a Flatpak.
I see you use a Unix file socket for communication of file manager extensions with Insync. Considering Flatpak doesn’t isolate and manages network namespaces you could just switch to a Linux named socket.
Here’s a POC Flatpak.
As expected the creation of the Unix file socket in /tmp means Flatpak needs to mount /tmp from the host.
A Linux named socket would be a better solution as it could be shared across containers as long as they use the same network namespace. -
It seems like ~/.config is hardcoded and Insync does not respect XDG_CONFIG_HOME.
At least on my testing system, the tray bar status icon is missing. My current guess is that /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/status is hardcoded. Insync should respect XDG_DATA_DIRS or at least use a relative path to share/icons/hicolor/48x48/status from lib/insync/insync exectuable.