Insync as Flatpak (Linux)

Hi, can you please tell me, is there a timeline on a release date for Insync as a Flatpak? Insync is an awesome way to connect Linux to cloud storage. Flatpak would connect Insync to so many more Linux users, as well as overcoming some of the issues of keeping Insync stable on some for the Distros based on Ubuntu, such KDE neon, as I’m using. I have read this thread from start to finish, while encouraging that there appears to be progress, there still doesn’t seem to be a release date in sight. Please let us know when, soon?

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Hey @1lightsource! I’ll check where this is currently at in our pipeline :slight_smile:

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We need flatpak release please!!

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update: we are working on a flatpak version :wink:


we are also working on a snapcraft version :slight_smile:

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Awesome thanks!! Just wanted to mention that with the Steam Decks being based on Arch, this will be a perfect addition.

I use my Steam Deck as an on-the-go gaming platform and a desktop platform when hooked to my USB C dock setup. So being able to work on my OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox on my Steam deck with Insync is necessary. Steam deck packages are mostly Flatpacks since OS changes don’t persist from firmware update to the next.

I just wanted to share the opportunity market that relies behind Flatpacks for Steam Deck users.

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Hello everyone.
There might be some error in the translation as I don’t speak English and I’m using a translator.

I would like to know the development status of Insync on Flatpak. I am a premium user and constantly have problems with versions that do not work in the distro. Especially when a new version of the system is released.
I am currently on RHEL 9 and insync simply does not work. Even following this step by step. For RHEL 8. the application installs no longer opens at all.
So my question arises about the situation of a Flatpak package because then we would have all these problems solved. Since we pay for the application and use another app that works in its place to have access to its features is irrational.

I’m waiting for your positioning.

Translated with (free version)

I also am in need of either a flatpak or an appimage for insync. I really look forward to the flatpak app.

we are working on a snapcraft build first as the flatpak build was presenting us with issues that was taking too long to solve.

I understand the need to get something out there and why you’d want to work on a snap if it appears to be working better, but please don’t give up on a flatpak or even appimage version. There are some of us that don’t have snap enabled systems, either by preference or design.

Having said that, I’ve been overlaying Insync on my Fedora Silverblue system since flatpak hasn’t been available. It works well except I obviously won’t work when I am testing Fedora 37 because there is no Insync repo for Fedora 37 yet.

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I’m really looking forward to the flatpak. I’m afraid I don’t run an Ubuntu based system, and I can’t really install a snap. Flatpak is really the only universal package.


I’m in the same boat as you.

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Would be great to use InSync Flatpak on Steam Deck! I sync all my masters course material with InSync. It would also be great to be able to backup my game save files as well.

hello all.

update: we tried both flatpak and snapcraft builds but we were facing issues related to our use of Qt, among other things.

after spending months on this project, we have decided to shelf it for now so we can put more resources on bug fixing and reliability.

we will revisit in the future, perhaps with appimage.

insync works on both debian (ubuntu, etc.) and fedora (redhat, etc.) based distros so if you are having issues with installing/running insync on them, please email


I’m disappointed by this… how can we install insync on steam deck? thanks

Can we help somehow with the flatpak build? What’s the problem exactly? There’s also a matrix chat room, if you would like to reach out directly.

Repackaging the .deb or .rpm is also possible, but not the preferable solution, as you would loose ARM support.

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Can you please go ahead and create a Fedora 37 repo then? It will be coming out this month and several developers are already running 37. Thank you.

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Agree with @Jason_Lee. I have said it before, but when Fedora, Ubuntu, or Mint release a beta, Insync needs to set up the appropriate repository so that it’s ready when the official release date happens. This also allows people to help you find issues before the official release date.

I appreciate it that you’ve done this with Debian Testing. Fedora 37 is probably getting released in 10 days; Ubuntu 22.10 is coming out this month also.

@reis @Jason_Lee Thank you for reminding us to stay aligned with the releases. We appreciate it :pray:

Our Linux team has created a test build for Fedora 37 and Ubuntu 22.10. Would you like to give it a try?

Hi @terpua, so what is wrong with the initial work for a flatpak as suggested in this post by @tinywrkb on Oct 2021? He has laid out all the necessary steps needed for a working flatpak