I was able to get Insync working in Distrobox as well. I wrote a bash script to set up the container, install Insync and start it, and have Insync automatically start upon login.
Actually, my setup requires two scripts. My bash scripting skills are not that great so, if anyone can combine these two into one script, I’d be grateful.
Here is the main script. You have to have distrobox installed already of course for this to work.
# Create the toolbox container AND initial update
distrobox-create --name $CONTAINER_NAME --image fedora:latest
distrobox enter fedora-insync -- sudo dnf update -y
#Insync Repo
distrobox enter $CONTAINER_NAME -- sudo rpm --import https://d2t3ff60b2tol4.cloudfront.net/repomd.xml.key
distrobox enter fedora-insync -- sudo bash -c 'bash -s' < create_insync_repo.sh
# Install insync within the container
distrobox enter fedora-insync -- sudo dnf update -y
distrobox enter fedora-insync -- sudo dnf install chromium insync -y
#Export Insync start script to host
distrobox enter fedora-insync -- distrobox-export --app insync --extra-flags "start"
#Make insync start at login
cp ~/.local/share/applications ~/.config/autostart/
#Start insync
distrobox enter fedora-insync -- insync start
In order for this script to work you need another script named create_insync_repo.sh
in the same directory.
Here’s what should be inside that script
sudo echo '[insync]
name=insync repo
enabled=1' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/insync.repo
Until there is a proper Insync flatpak, I hope this helps anyone running an immutable OS needing to run Insync.