Insync crashes using Ubuntu 20.04

I recently upgraded my operating system to Ubuntu 20.04. Ever since this upgrade, Insync will not start successfully. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it, to start fresh. I have deleted the directory that insync is downloading to, to clear any syncing problems. The current behavior is:

  1. I start insync using the --no-daemon parameter
  2. It begins and appears to be checking/syncing directories
  3. Before it finishes, it crashes
    I have attached the output from running insync on the command line

Other information that may be helpful:
I have tried deleting /tmp/insync1000.sock
I have tried different video drivers, without much success. I am currently using nvidia-driver-390
Thanks for any help.

Hi @watsonc2! Thank you for reporting this and my sincere apologies for the trouble. Could you please share the output of apt-cache policy insync?

@watsonc2 Furthermore, do send your logs.db and out.txt files to and include a link to this post. Those 2 can be found in ~/.config/Insync. :slight_smile:

Version table: 500
500 focal/non-free amd64 Packages
*** 100
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Hi @watsonc2 - thanks for this! It seems you’re in correspondence with Mara via email. I’ve notified her about this output and will coordinate with the Linux team accordingly. Thank you very much!