Insync deleted 170Gb from my Google Drive, and corrupted the index

After a machine rebuild (Opensuse), I hooked Insync back up, which then went wild and deleted 170Gb in google Drive.

it then attempted to replicate it’s own deletions down to my PC, which for some reason failed (thank god).

After a month Google support have no found a way to recover as insync appears to have changed the folder ID’s meaning that the parent folders are invalid. There is no way so far to recover .

I’ve had a case open with insync support and finally come to the end of the support I guess. Looks like I’m on my own. I have a plan to download what Google data I can and then copy in the local stuff using Linux and sync back. I certainly won’ be using Insync to do it though.

****** Insync support
Hi Simon,

I see. I’ve had to unfortunately attend to other priorities for now because I’m not making progress with the investigation. I’ll get back to this as soon as I can.

**** My reply after 3 silent weeks


Any ideas?

****** Insync support

I’m very sorry but I haven’t revisited this yet.

**** Me

So what exactly does that mean?

Do you intend to revisit this again, or is it now the too hard pile?

****** Insync support (missing the sarcasm)

For now it’s in the too hard pile, we’re working on other things at the moment so I’m not sure when I can return to this, sorry.

**** Me

Wow, that really is the worst support I’ve ever had.

Which is saying something after 25 years working in IT support.

Hi there, our engineer has responded to you via email.

I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.

No he hasn’t.