I have markdown files that I updated on my phone and synced to Drive from there, but Insync on my desktop does not seem to recognize that there are changes. I closed and reopened Insync, paused and resumed it, and even uninstalled and reinstalled it. The updated files appear in Drive when I click “View on Drive Web,” so Google Drive has the latest version. Somehow Insync isn’t seeing the changes even though I watch it scan those folders when it starts up.
I’m on Linux Mint 22.1 Xia using Insync version
A quick update: I unsynced the entire folder and started a new 2-way sync to the same location, and now old files have the right updates, but it did not download any new files made since the issue started occurring, even though they have the same modification date as files that did get downloaded. If everything came fresh from the cloud, why would Insync be ignoring certain files and not others?
Edit: It’s not syncing the moving of files either when I changed their location in Google Drive.
Hi @Dexter_Bravo! This is such an unusual case because you are absolutely right: if your files are 2-way synced (and given that you just unsynced-resynced them to the same location) all files selected should be pulled from the cloud to your Base Folder aka sync location.
I am also having this problem – or a similar one. I have one folder that is actually synced, but Insynch is showing a red X next to the folder; and I have 2 other folders with files in them that need to be created/synced from Drive that also have the red X next to them and have not been.