Hello, how are you? it would be very good to at least get a solution preview or even try the solution because we are facing problems with the synchronization of the files, we know that the version is beta but other app providers are already approving for a new version of macOS. We are waiting for a return from you …
Hello devteam have a good news for we about Big Sur. I wait this for purchage other license for my OneDrive, i want put Google Drive and OneDrive in my MacBook.
Hey guys! Appreciate all the +1s to this. Our Mac team has been working on Big Sur support-- could you check out 3.2.6 and let us know if the crashing issue persists?
This seems not to work. At least not for me.
After updating Insync nothing happens. The icons changes to the green checkmark status, but nothing has been synced.
Thanks for reaching out! Can you confirm if you’ve been autoupdated to 3.2.7? In any case, please send your logs.db and out.txt files to support@insynchq.com. Please include the link to this post as well so I can trace the original thread