Insync for Ubuntu 24.04

Hi @PhilWillG! When the slow startup happens again, please do share your logs.db and out.txt files to with the link to this post. Those 2 files can be found in ~/.config/Insync. :slight_smile: Thank you!

Hi @PhilWillG

Just to confirm, do you also experience this issue when using the previous version v3.8.7?

i have just sent you those files - I saw the issue at 11:29 local (PC) time (BST)

This is a clean install of 24.04 and the .deb from your site

I did not see it on 22.04 using its .deb

I don’t think I have ever used v3.8.7

Hi @PhilWillG,

Received your log files and will be forwarding this to our engineer for further investigation!

For anyone on Ubuntu 24.04 experiencing a similar issue, please download this build:

This also resolved my problem after the fresh Noble install. Thanks!

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I am getting the exact same error and installing libxcb-xinerama0 did nothing.
I also installed the 60002 version and still nothing.
Fresh install of ubuntu budgie 24.04

Edit: I think it is working now, several reboots later.

Thanks for letting me know it’s working! Please update me if anything else comes up :slight_smile:

Same error for me on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS just installed. Your solution worked for me.

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The new version still doesn’t work for me (Ubuntu 24.04, standard installation)

insync start --no-daemon
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 980, in _bootstrap_inner
File “”, line 917, in run
File “idesklinux/”, line 58, in start_core
File “idesklinux/”, line 28, in init
File “idesklinux/”, line 25, in init
File “idesklinux/”, line 57, in __index_default_apps
File “idesklinux/”, line 94, in __record_config_entries
File “idesklinux/”, line 108, in __parse_config_entry
File “idesklinux/”, line 134, in __canonicalize_mimetype
File “xdg/”, line 58, in lookup
File “xdg/”, line 72, in new
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘lower’

@pkarban Hi! Could you run the ff commands and share the output here:
lsb_release -a
apt-cache policy insync

Thank you!

Hi, here is it

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Release: 24.04
Codename: noble

Version table: 500
500 noble/non-free amd64 Packages
*** 100
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Hello! For Ubuntu, Pop!OS, and Mint users whose versions are based on Jammy and Noble, please try the following test builds:

This is meant to address the no attribute lower issues that you have been experiencing.

Let me know how this update goes. Thank you!

Perfect, this version works. Thank you for the fixing!

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You’re welcome! Thank you for the feedback!

Installing this version is ok.
Installing the latest version 3.9.3 in Ubuntu 24.04 will not let the user open the file manager, and not will be able to control which folder to sync.

Hi! Issues with updating to 3.9.3 has already been forwarded to our Linux Team for further investigation. I will be announcing on this thread as soon as it’s been addressed: After upgrading to 3.9.3 the UI is unresponsive (with reply from Insync Support)

Thank you!

This version ‘insync_3.9.2.60015-noble_amd64.deb’ works correctly. The version from repository 60019 shows the same error again:

AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘lower’

@pkarban I have another user experiencing this issue even if they’re on After upgrading to 3.9.3 the UI is unresponsive (with reply from Insync Support)

I’ve raised this to our Linux Team for further investigation.

Thank you!