Insync is creating a HUGE mass while deleting data on Linux

I am using Insync with two-way synchronization on Ubuntu 24.04.1, syncing to one drive. The problem started two days ago. I initially started deleting new files I was creating within a folder, and I tried to restore them from the trash. But it kept deleting. Then it started deleting everything in that folder. Then, all hell was lost; it started deleting everything. I could only stop the Insync and try to restore the files from the trash. After restoring it from the trash, I compared it with the cold storage and saw that some local data files were missing. I don’t know the scale of locally deleted files. And I am hoping everything in the cloud is OK, but I cannot verify it.

After this event, I forgot to stop launching Insync at the start and had to reboot my computer. I created a huge mass again, this time worse; I have folders in the trash that have problems with restoration (Lots of folders that must be replaced).

I won’t use Insync until this thing is solved properly, and maybe never. I already lost two working days dealing with these problems. I don’t know if my data is OK. I have to spend more days to make sure if it is. And all of this is caused by a piece of software that has to run in the background and make my life easy. I am trying to finish my PhD project, and now I have to keep every f…g small file for this, and I have to check thousands of files to see whether the files are OK or not. Like anyone who happens to do a similar thing, I am furious and cannot cool down.

I am terribly, terribly sorry for what has happened, @r3dcet. I have escalated this to our engineers to investigate this massive issue thoroughly. I have also responded to your email where you sent the log files.

Thank you.