I’m synchronising a large Dropbox account to my local hard drive for the first time. About ten minutes after logging in my CPU usage goes up to 100% and stays there. Insync is the only app running.
I’ve rebooted several times now and this behaviour persists. My CPU temperature goes up to 95C and does not go down even with the fan at full speed. I’m worried this will damage my laptop.
I’ve set the Power Mode to Power Saver. This lowers the CPU temperature to under 60C. But Insync really shouldn’t be doing this.
My specs: Dell Inspiron 7472. Ubuntu 24.04. Insync V3.9.4.60020. Nothing happens when I click on the Open Log button
EDIT: This seems to have to do with file size. When it’s working with 12 files at once, each between 10 and 20GB in size, then it overheats quickly. It runs much cooler when the files are tens or hundreds of MB. Running in Performance mode really improves transfer times. Must be the decoding of the files?
How can I reduce the number of simultaneous file transfers from the default of 12 to say, 6? I have a large number of 10 to 20GB files. If I halve the number of simultaneous transfers then the files will transfer a lot more quickly. Having twelve huge files transferring at the same time seems to be what insync struggles with
You can de-select the files that have not yet been transferred to your computer. You can refer to this guide on how to do that. The section with the info you need has this heading: Deselecting items from the Cloud Selective Sync (CSS) menu
This will reduce the queue and thus the resources being used for the first full sync. Once the queue clears up, you can then select more files to be synced. Once the initial sync is finished, it is expected that the CPU usage wouldn’t go up significantly.