As many posts here show, Insync has been bug-ridden for too long now. I was hoping the long-delayed update to 64-bit, v3+ Mac app would have sorted some of the major issues around sync errors, DB corruption would have been resolved. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any real improvement. It’s just gotten worse. I have been building sophisticated SaaS applications for a long time now. This seems to be an endemic issue that may have to do with a seriously compromised codebase, refactoring, misguided priorities on pushing new features over resolving serious bugs, or perhaps just a subpar product team. I think I have been patient long enough. Ove the last year or so, I’ve experienced too many issues and my confidence in Insync’s reliability has severely eroded.
As a long-time Insync customer (5 years+), I am now looking for alternatives. For me, important features include selective sync, multi-device sync, reliability Google Drive sync, and esp keeping my very large Lightroom pic and video libraries synced in the cloud.
I would like to hear from other customers on what they think about this and what alternatives they have come up with.