Insync starts and uses 50% cpu forever, no indicator in panel

Fresh install of insync on a new 16.04 Lubuntu system. When I start insync it sucks up 50% of the tiny cpu but the indicator never appears and nothing else ever happens.

Will be tagging our engineer @lpugoy and he will get back to you :slight_smile:

@Bill_Miller: Thanks for the report, I’ll take a look at this soon.

@Bill_Miller: My test showed that on first run Insync used a lot of CPU for about 10 minutes but then went back to normal afterward. Restarting Insync didn’t reproduce the issue. Please check if it’s the same in your case.

Thanks for the info. I completely uninstalled Insync, deleted the Insync folder in ~/.config, deleted my Google Drive folder, and reinstalled using a different folder. This time it is working as you describe - a long interval of 50% CPU usage and then it popped up Firefox to ask for permission. it’s now syncing to the new folder so I’m hopeful. Thanks again.