I’ve been using insync for about ten years, but rarely look at the machine it is running on. Today I discovered, that it is no longer syncing to google drive. The last file that I see synced has a date of September 18.
I have a subscription to insync pro and am running on (linux) Rocky 8.9
The license email that I received says (in part):
“Login to your Pro dashboard to add accounts:
That link takes me to a “404 – Page Not Found” error.
My taskbar shows an insync icon that is grayed out.
root@t320: insync start – popped up a window that let’s me click on a button saying “add google drive”. That seemed to do nothing.
root@t320:/home/lerman/Downloads# insync account list
Insync headless is not included in your “” license. Visit https://www.insynchq.com/pricing for more info.
It appears that insync has not associated a license with my account.
I did an uninstall. Strangely, the grayed out icon is still present even after the uninstall.
Help would be appreciated.