Insync stuck with high cpu usage

I have the same problem, insync is burning up my laptop’s CPU syncing folders. But when I look into the folders its stuck on syncing the contents is all marked as fully synced.

Hi @Charles_Cunningham,

Could you confirm your Insync version and OS? Please also send us your logs.db and out.txt found by clicking the 3 dots on the upper right > Help > Open logs. If they’re too big to attach and send to, please share me a download link instead. :slight_smile:

It seems like the stuck sync and the CPU usage may be related. To confirm, only the top-level folder shows the blue badge-- both its contents and the tray icon indicate a green check?

Same problem here, my cpu was 100% (Ubuntu 20.04 here) , I had to stop insync processes , my cpu was going crazy.

Hi @Javier!

So sorry to hear that this happened to you. :frowning: Could you walk me through the setup— if Insync was trying to process a large sync, stuck scanning, etc?

Just to complement here, I had a similar issue yesterday, using Ubuntu 18. The computer was idle when I noticed the fans’ noise suddenly increasing. There was 2 insync processes using 100% cpu each, without syncing anything. Restarting insync solved the issue, but I don’t know what was the root cause.

I even waited a few minutes before restarting just to see if it was going to stop at some point, but it didn’t.

Hi @enricodias,

Could you please send your logs.db and out.txt files to with the link to this post? The 2 files can be found in ~/.config/Insync.

Sorry for the delay. I just sent the requested files.

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