Insync Won't Play Nice With Microsoft Outlook :-(

I’m a long-time Windows and Mac user, and until now had zero reasons to not like Insync after several months of testing it in daily use for roll-out to my networks. I just found the first drawback, and it’s significant.The problem is that a local (PC) client installation of Outlook won’t open the Outlook data file (.pst) when it’s placed in the Insync folder. Do you guys wanna address and solve this? Thank you for your attention,

This is a significant drawback to sharing all my users’, networks’, and clients’ data in the cloud. And since Outlook has such a massive user base I know I’m not the first person to notice this problem. I’ve long experience as an administrator on a mixed LAN, so I’m good at IT.

Hello @Michael_Austin,

What is the error message you are getting? Please send us your logs.db and out.txt file to

Thank you.

The error message inside the Insync tray app is, “No upload Outlook.pst. No read access”, accompanied by a white “x” in a red circle on the Insync Tray icon. The problem seems to happen only when Outlook is open – which is most of the time.

I archive my older Outlook files every six months. At this writing the file is 1.2 GB, at its usual biggest. Once I archive the file size goes down to around 700 MB. My ISP’s upload speed is about 11 Mb/s. So to read and write the file to Drive takes a while.

Insync’s web support gui won’t accept the logs and out files. The logs file is > 25 MB so it’s not possible to send it via e-mail. If Insync has a Drive account :wink: I could upload it there.