Just Moved 5+ gb to Insysnc Folder, Stuck at Syncing Meta

This May not be a bug, I may just need to wait a while. Yesterday I decided to make the switch completely from Dropbox to Google Drive.

So I copied all files from Dropbox to Google Drive this morning and for a while now Insysnc has said Syncing metadata. The files I moved are somewhere around 5+ gb and 100’s of thousands of files. I was worried that your software couldn’t handle it, but figured I would try it anyways.

Keep in-mind I deleted files from my Google Drive as well as added new and added the New files on my PC. If anything this will be a brute test to see if your app candle the worst.

What steps can I take to make sure that Insync is working properly? Should it just say Syncing metadata?

I saw the cmd manual in terminal and paused, started, forced and still no luck? Still says Syncing metadata.

Maybe I spoke to soon. I left my pc running all night long and when I got in the office it is now syncing it only has 50,000 files togo.

It still seems like it only transfers 2 files at a time, this needs to be addressed. A big recommendation is instead of saying syncing metadata, have it actually do something so we know the app isn’t stuck or crashed. More feedback from the app is a must.

Again did I speak to soon? I t seems to have stopped syncing and now says 59,221 items queued?

Please send us your logs.db and out.txt file to support@insynchq.com. Please include the link of this post.

Thank you.

Sent. Thanks! It has finsihed syncing but still hjaving the issue of the app hanging up and only saying syncing meta data

Our engineer will get back to you soon. :smile: