I believe it is connected to the fact it is creating a reboot cronjob to act as an autostart:
romulo@rbenedettiN:~$ insync -v
romulo@rbenedettiN:~$ crontab -u romulo -l
@reboot insync-headless start >/dev/null 2>&1
I wasn’t able to remove autostar through insync GUI. And so it avoid any attempt to restart it, without quitting the cronjob started one.
Why don’t you guys use the rc.d appropriated level (as insync appears to be a service), or so, any xdg autostart folder? Those two are very global autostart points in Linux.
Thanks the attention.
Update 1:
Ok… I found a (dirty) workaround, I removed old cronjob and add another one to run a script with:
sleep 6
export DISPLAY=:0
insync start
I’m pretty sure it have something to do with session variables…
Update 2:
romulo@rbenedettiN:~/.local/bin$ sysv-rc-conf --list | grep cron
anacron 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on
cron 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on
Ok the problem is much probably the fact Cronjob run @reboot jobs in level 2 of init (which moreover is neither a suitable console mode what can explain no variables presence too). As pointed, I’m pretty sure using init level 5 will make sure In-sync start at correct boot time .