Looking for Insync 2.0 beta users

Hi @Jack_Murphy1 send us an email over to support so we can list you! :smile:


Looking for beta testers is currently closed, will open this topic again if we need more users.

Thanks for the support! :smile:

Weird, just received an invite for the private beta for 2.0.
Here I see this topic was started in Jan and stopped in Mar.
Is there another beta?

Would love to participate.

I would also like to help out a bit.
I can talk on hangouts as well unless you mean calling via hangouts that I would defer.

I recently unsubscribe to Insync because the chat support system was slow and I had a number of issues and it felt like a lack of interest from your people. I deleted the app from my iMac and requested a refund. I really wanted this to work and it did for nine months but as mentioned, the lack of interest in helping me was very unfortunate and if I ran your company would have made sure not to lose ANY customers over something like this. I really want to try it again and I’d be a great beta user on the new version. Please let me know if you are interested and please send me a message direct at richard@zebrajellyfish.com, or call me! 970.213.1777

just signed up :slight_smile: happy to help…

happy to try desktop app.

Signed up and happy to try out 2.0 :slight_smile:

Being a video editor, I’m a frequent large file uploader (smallest file 4GB .mp4 - min 10GB a week). I could really stress test that software of yours for Speed and reliability. :smile:

Hi there. I’d like collaborate on insync 2.0 development. What must I do?

love to participate but where’s the app?

I also got an email about this (went into my spam folder, by the way, almost missed it). Would love to participate, although not quite sure this is relevant? The thread is very old. Did you guys re-start development on this?

Hi there, yes, we are still finalizing the next beta release to be out next week. :slight_smile:

To register (if you haven’t) please click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiIo0VuivYKZBMUjboBN_pHnMd6IM3P1fn6dZaLBUHd4seEQ/viewform

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Will there be a separate forum for the Insynq beta 2.0 issues? I do not see anything related (still)…

Yes, there is a hidden group dedicated for this. We are still setting it up as of now. Sorry for the delay @Rik_Doclo

Great. Thanks for the swift reply. I suppose you’ll tell us when you need us :wink:

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hello, the preview Sreen looks very nice, and i will help you to test this new beta version.

I got mail and registered for beta testers (for linux). All I see was is the screen prototype. I wonder what kind of interaction of right-click on the main menu there…

I hope my opinion be helpful