I’ve just upgraded from 3.7.3 to 3.7.4 via repository. InSync closed as always, upgrade process finished with the expected “Insync installation has finished. You may now start it.” message.
I started InSync. Prompted me to login (strange). Logged in, Insync crashed (stranger). I restarted it. Welcome wizard opened then. I pressed next, with the intention of using my old folder, clicked to change folder button. Insync crashed again (stranger-er). I restarted it, and it’s running with my old Google Drive account only, with completely default settings.
Now, all my accounts and settings are gone. Nothing convoluted or complex was present in this installation, so no harm, no foul. But, why InSync resetted everything, and I’m starting over? Is the changelog for 3.7.4 is longer than written in the forum?
Just wanted to let you know.
P.S.: This system was running buster version on bookworm, but it was installed before even bookworm a thing, and it was always smooth. I migrated this installation to bookworm version now. Crashes happened with buster build on bookworm, but it didn’t happened before and never wiped my settings.
I did not experience the crashes, but also at my machine all settings were gone. To me this is a major issue, since I don’t know if I can just reapply the new setting on my old local folder or if I now have to redownload everything again. Should I delete my local files beforehand to avoid getting a mess on my disc? I don’t sync all my folders, so I am afraid, that some folders might get deleted, if I don’t sync in a fresh folder.
Thanks for you help. Unfortunately, I could not wait. I’m now syncing to the old folder and keep an eye on my recycle bin on the web version of OneDrive :). So far, no new deletions.
P.S.: What’s funny is that on ma Notebook. Insync managed to resync without downloading, but on my desktop It redownloads everything. I have the exact same setting on both machines and I had to reconfigure on both after the update.
Unfortunately, the same thing happened to me.
I solved it this way.
in ~/.config I found 2 directories Insync and insync, I renamed them to old.
I recovered the Insync folder from a backup and created a symbolic link ln -s Insync insync
now works.
If unfortunately you don’t have a backup I wouldn’t know how to help you.
Thank you, Fernando_Figaroli, but I do not have an actual backup of these files, so I am condemned to link folder by folder accross all my drives. This is quite deceiving and infuriating…
Looks like just using the old folders and redownload works. Anyway, it takes a while. And I experience some freezes of the Insync window when expanding or collapsing the syncing folders and when viewing the current syncs. Only minimizing/maximizing the window refreshes it.
Fernando_Figaroli can you confirm that one of these config folders is new in the new version. So, it might have been renamed by mistake?
This happened to me as well just now. I can see the two Insync folders under .config. I wonder if someone changed the folder name casing in the release.
Before I looked at the forum I went and relogged into my accounts. Everything seems OK. OneDrive is uploading a bunch of stuff - I suspect they were deleted online but not locally. Not sure why. Google Drive is showing synced folders with a yellow tick. A bit annoying but hopefully it will turn out OK once it’s done syncing.
Hi everyone
Samething just happenned to me also in Elementary OS Hera 5.1.7
Upgraded to and run it. It started as nothing were previously installed
Logged in again with Google. Then tried to set my existing G.Drive folder and crashed.
Started it again and could set the previously folder, now syncing again. Hope it does not duplicate all files/folders again
PS: also noticed 2 folders in /home/me/.config/insync and /home/me/.config/Insync
I am really pissed right now. Because I had to reconfigure my synced folders I forgot to unselect a really big one. Now the HDD of my notebook is completely full and I am not able to boot it anymore. WTF insync? Don’t you test your updates?
Same problem here on Linux Mint. VERY annoying. Thanks to the previous posts here I first quit insync and then copied the .db file from /home/username/.config/Insync/data to …insync/data since that new folder was empty. Same with .db file in …/insync/live since that new folder was also empty.
Then I renamed the settings.db file in …/insync and copied the settings.db file from …/Insync to …/insync
Restarted insync and it appears to work fine. It recognized my original sync folders and did not change anything.
A single typo in the updated version made life difficult for us all!
I’m still not sure which is the default config folder
I have last-time modified files in both
A single typo in the updated version made life difficult for us all!
This is it!
Before doing a new config, I looked into the issue. Sure enough, the update uses insync instead of Insync. The original config is in the Insync folder.
We’ll need a path forward.
I made a backup copy of the original, then copied everything to the new “small i” folder.
Restarted the app and it all went back to normal.
Using POP_OS latest, auto update.
I have it installed on a Fedora VM but I haven’t opened it yet.
Also installed on macOS and the update went smooth.
The new one is the small “i” insync. Yes, they both had the same timestamps from the update - closed one, opened the other.
Unless you reconnected it with your sync folder after the update (i.e. - started from scratch again) you should find the the data and live folders in the new insync folder are empty and you move your .db files from the old Insync folders (data and live) there. Also remember the settings.db file as I mentioned in the previous post.
AND - make sure you’ve quit insync before you do any of this!
If you already have files in the new insync data and live folders I’m not sure what to tell you. You could rename them and try copying in the old ones and see if that works.
Only thing I’m worried about is that they will push out another update to “fix” this and that will break this “fix”.
I can confirm that this approach appears to have worked for me. At first I tried renaming the ~/.config/insync folder out of the way, and then created a symlink to the ~/config/Insync folder, but that crashed Insync. So I used your approach and that worked.