Mackup Backup Help

Hello -

I’m using an open source library for backing up my mac to a dotfiles repo on Github. I was wondering if your OS X engineers would be able to advise on how to create a mackup back config file for Insync ( It would be very helpful for any Mac user and it would also help get the Insync Brand more visibility!



Hi Matt, thanks for this, will be tagging our engineers @marte and @jimperio for input :smile:

Hello @Matthew_S, do you plan to use Insync as storage or you want to backup the config of Insync? If the latter, how do you plan to use it?

Hi Marte -

I currently have two insync accounts (work and personal), configured to sync to specific folders and to sync only some folders/files from each Google Drive account. I’d like to back up that configuration so that if I move to a new computer in the future I can use the config settings to have the same setup/configuration in the future.

Example - I use a program for writing code called Atom ( and I’ve created a custom color theme for syntax highlighting/specific fonts I like to use, and other plugins that help development. I’m using Mackup to sync the .atom folder in my home directory to a github repo so that on my work computer or laptop I can have the same settings for the Atom editor… That’s what I’d like to do for Insync… Basically all I need to know is where Insync stores the config settings on OSX then I can create a config file for the Mackup repo that will sync those files.



Hello @Matthew_S. The Insync application data is located at ~/Library/Application Support/Insync/.

But right now, unfortunately, the Insync config and app databases are coupled very tightly with the actual state of the files in your Insync folder. So it wouldn’t work to backup the application data without also backing up the corresponding files on your system (i.e., the main Insync folder).

That’s a good use case however, and we can consider making selective sync and other configurations more easily exportable in the future.