The status-indicating-icon on finder is now missing. I have checked the extension menu on system preference. And I also reinstalled Insync once. The icon stays missing.
I also noticed the finder icon extension of OneDrive is gone too, so it is maybe related to system upgrade from High Sierra to Mojave.
And I do not know if I am the only one here, because I cannot find anything talking about this problem.
This is a known issue that our Mac team is currently working on. We’ll make sure to update affected users as soon as the fix has been deployed. In the mean time, please relaunch Finder so that the badges show up again. Let me know how it goes.
I forgot to do some followup here.
This issue now effects all apps with finder extension (dropbox, onedrive, google’s backup&sync). You can relaunch Finder to see extensions. Also changes of extensions setting (enable or disable) need relaunching to take effect.
I think this is a issue with MacOS not the apps.
Actually I roll back to High Sierra because of some develop environment problems.
Any update on this? I just updated to Mojave and I don’t have any icon or menu for sharing links from Finder. Activating/desactivating extensions in System Preferences does not work anymore. Help!
This has happened to me a couple of times. Enabling the finder extensions in System Preferences then running killall Finder from Terminal fixes the issue temporarily, although it seems to keep disabling itself.
My current workaround is: Hold option⌥ and right click Finder icon, there will be a relaunch option. After the relaunch everything will be fine. You have to do this after each reboot.
It’s the same with the terminal way of killall Finder and let it relaunch automatically, I think.
P.S. OneDrive for Mac seems to have found a way through this, I’m looking forward to future update.
I’ve noticed that the finder extension seems to get disabled on its own relatively frequently (Insync Finder Integration will get unchecked in the Extensions pane of System Preferences) and I have to re-check the box as well first. It seems to happen more often than just reboots.
This is a known issue that our engineers are working on. My apologies for the trouble! Rest assured we’ll update all affected users as soon as we’ve deployed a fix for it.
Hi @mia, anything new since Dec 2018 on this topic ? The integration of Insync with the Finder keeps disabling itself. OneDrive and DropBox don’t have this problem.