Mobile internet - file size or folder restriction

In my country mobile internet connections(3G,4G) have a monthly data limit(for example 4 gigabyte). So it is kinda dangerous to sync big files on the mobile internet connection. But I still want insync to keep my small document up to date even if i’m on a mobile internet connection (like a mifi hot-spot).

Possible solutions:
a) a file size limit if i’m on mobile internet
b) if i could choose which folders i want to keep up to date when i’m not on normal internet

We’re implementing a feature soon that will enable you to control how many files you want to sync at a time.

Thanks for this. We will take note and will +1 you on this feature request. :slight_smile:

even i was looking for something like this

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Hi @jojo27,

I will +1 this feature request and forward it to our product team!

try usinggoogle chrome flags

Thanks for the update!

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thanks !, geez this works

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