Move 45Gio Photos to a Free Google Drive

I have 45Gio of normal camera JPG photos that I want to move to a free google drive account. A free google drive is 15Gio.

Does I have to do anything special here? I’ve heard that a free google drive supports unlimited photos, but can I just create a directory in google drive and move the data into it? I don’t have to do anything special to point Insync to google photos instead of google drive?

Would those photos count against the 15Gio limit or is there some autodetection going on?

This depends on the settings of your Google Photos, I’ve set mine not to upload the full size (as per Google Photos) so it does not count against my drive.

You will have to create a Google Photos folder within your drive, as we only support syncing from Google Drive directly and not from Google Photos :slight_smile: