Is it possible to navigate to files and folders using the Insync indicator in the Ubuntu menu bar. Right now, when I select the app indicator, it can open the top level folder of one of my Google Drive accounts.
Ideally, the pop up remains open, and as I hover over a folder, it would reveal the nested folders and files.
Rather than seeing Open, I’d like to hover my mouse over that account, and then Insync would automatically reveal the nested folders and files. And if I hover over a subfolder, it would reveal the nested subfolders, and so on. Finally, when I click on a folder or file Insync would open the item’s location on my desktop (or whatever the Insync designers think is appropriate). This would be ideal.
Less ideal, but also useful, would be what you suggested. That is, when I click the Insync icon, and say I select, Insync would present something like the selective sync interface. And then, like the selective sync interface, I would have to click on each folder or subfolder to explore further. Finally clicking on a folder of file, opens the item’s location or the file. The difference from the idea above is we don’t have the mouse hover action to automatically reveal items.
Does that make sense?
Because the Ubuntu (Unity) menu bar and Insync app indicator persists on the top of every screen, the goal would be to browse and access any Google Drive file or folder (that I have synced to my desktop) literally from any screen on my computer.
Another way of thinking about this is having Insync app indicator replicate the folder list panel in Google Drive’s web interface.