New Insync version: 3.7.4

Hello again, @gernophil!

Posting my email reply here for everyone’s reference. This is for users who have reconfigured their Insync setup after updating to 3.7.4, meaning they started from scratch instead of doing the workaround:

Granted that the ~/.config/insync folder (small “i”) is the one that 3.7.4 is using now after you reconfigured things manually, what I’m understanding is that the current Insync setup you have is the most updated one. If that’s the case, here’s what our engineer said:

You can safely delete the ~/.config/Insync (capital “I”) if this folder is no longer in use. Once 3.7.5 is rolled out, Insync will automatically rename ~/.config/insync back to ~/.config/Insync while retaining all of your current settings.

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