Once this version is installed, it has forced me to go again through the steps of selecting which files and folders I want to sync between my OneDrive/Google Drive accounts, removing ALL THE PREVIOUS configuration. I have a very specific sync mapping between my drives and my cloud accounts that has been completely obliterated. This is the first InSync update that has done this and it will make me lose hours to rebuild the previous configuration. This is the way to do an update??? Really?
I cannot believe that this company pushed out an update that wrecks all their users carefully setup sync settings with ABSOLUTELY NO WARNING. Had I known I would be starting from scratch, I could have noted down my settings before running the update.
Insync updated today (v3.7.4.50336) and created a new settings folder (lowercase insync) instead of using the existing folder (Insync with a capital “I”). This meant that Insync was asking me to set everything up again.
I was able to fix the issue by:
Quit Insync (make sure it’s not running)
mv ~/.config/insync ~/.config/insync.old to rename the newly created settings folder
mv ~/.config/Insync ~/.config/insync to rename the existing settings folder
Restart Insync and everything seems to work as expected
Most people (like myself) now have to different config folders maybe with different configs and synced folders. I for example have stopped syncing with some folders after the update to have more local space. If you now would deploy an update that would simply “reactivate” my old config folder, this would lead to the deletion of the unsynced folders on my cloud, since I have the option “sync deletions in the cloud, if files/folder are deleted manually when insync is turned of” activated in my old config. Please be aware of that before deploying an update. I think it would be safest to delete the Insync config (with capital I) when 3.7.4 is installed to avoid that. Do you agree?
Posting my email reply here for everyone’s reference. This is for users who have reconfigured their Insync setup after updating to 3.7.4, meaning they started from scratch instead of doing the workaround:
Granted that the ~/.config/insync folder (small “i”) is the one that 3.7.4 is using now after you reconfigured things manually, what I’m understanding is that the current Insync setup you have is the most updated one. If that’s the case, here’s what our engineer said:
You can safely delete the ~/.config/Insync (capital “I”) if this folder is no longer in use. Once 3.7.5 is rolled out, Insync will automatically rename ~/.config/insync back to ~/.config/Insync while retaining all of your current settings.
thanks for the workaround. I can confirm that it works. Anyway the Insync (capital “I”) folder is recreated upon startup an the “out.txt” is created inside of it. There also is an “out.txt” in die insync (lowercase “i”) folder, but this is 0 bytes in size. Maybe that’s also important for your engineers :).
However, I don’t think everyone that is running 3.7.4 is aware of that workaround. So maybe you should integrate an automated check in the update if 3.7.4 in installed and which is the current setting and then automatically delete the other config folder.
Note, if you’ve gone to the “new user login” screen it seems that even downgrading to 3.7.3 doesn’t help. I just tried that and am now getting a “that didn’t work” error from google when trying to authenticate the account. Totally fubar here, I need to go back up my Google drive just in case the next well-tested Insync update decides to wipe everything…
Hello @ekalfwonS! Could you walk me through the steps you took to downgrade to 3.7.3? We’d like to check it out and replicate the error you bumped into and investigate this further.
Thanks for the feedback! Let me forward this to our engineers so we are certain to cover all bases and use cases before making the next version public.
Update: Using the “alternate login method” worked. I’m back in and syncing with 3.7.3, but I had to set up the folders again. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long to scan my entire GDrive and get up to date.