New Insync Version: 3.9.0

To add: we shared a test build (v3.9.0.60002) to some users who have sent us bug reports, and are currently collecting feedback if that fixes the issues they experienced on Once we get the feedback we need, then we will be making the version update official on our downloads page and repositories. :slight_smile:

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Hi! We have an upcoming release happening soon. Our PPAs will be updated after that. Thank you all for your patience!

Your latest version of insync breaks in Ubuntu 22.04.

Please tell me what versions are available to make it work again.

I am a bit disappointed actually.

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@Raymond_Ng Hello! Our Linux Team has been alerted of this urgent issue and they are in the process of investigating to release a fix.

In the meantime, please downgrade to 3.9.0 (the one posted here) or 3.8.7: New Insync version: 3.8.7

Thank you for your patience!

NixOS users have these from the “unstable” channel:

If anyone is interested in packaging plugins other than insync-nautilus, do give it a try, I will help you to merge your pull request!

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I see 3.9.2 too, though. Any announcement and release notes expected?

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I am running openSUSE Tumbleweed. I had to switch to version 3.9.1 from 3.9.2. 3.9.2 did not successfully start. I do not know what the regression is and I was not able to get the debug information on it either.

Hope this is helpful.

Hi @CubicleNate, could you try instead of f39?

@hellwolf Hi! We officially released 3.9.2 on our downloads page as it was an urgent action to take given the amount of issues being reported, hence the lack of an (unofficial) forums release announcement. Will take this as feedback for future releases like this - thank you!

You can check the release notes for by going here:

Note that I’m on a Win11 machine, which has v3.8.7.50505 as the latest build at the moment. Thank you!

Unfortunately that didn’t work. I need to go back to 3.9.1 for now but I am willing to test it again and pull whatever debug bits you need tomorrow evening.

Hi @CubicleNate - sorry to hear that F40 didn’t work for you. I got another user’s input that F38 worked on their OpenSUSE Tumbleweed setup: Insync does not start after latest update ( on KDE Neon 6 [SOLVED via new version]

Could you let me know if F38 works instead?

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Hi @CubicleNate! Just letting you know that our engineers have updated the OpenSUSE repositories. Let me know if you encounter any issues when updating/installing Insync on your machine.

Thank you!

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I will update it now and get back with you immediately.

I performed the update and it looks like it is working well and I have to say, I like how it greeted me. Very cute!

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Thank you for the updates! Please don’t hesitate to post an update if there is any issue you bump into.

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Has there been an update to the fedora repos gpg key?
Importing GPG key 0xACCAF35C:
Userid : “Insynchq Inc
Fingerprint: AEEB 94E9 C5A3 B54E CFA4 A66A A684 470C ACCA F35C
From :

Let me ask our engineers regarding this. Thank you!

Hi @regtm

Yes, there was a recent update to the Fedora gpg key:

pub   rsa2048 2012-09-10 [SCEA] [expires: 2028-07-29]
uid           Insynchq Inc <>
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Hi @mia,

The release notes at the top of this thread indicate that the installer for Windows is “coming soon”. However, that post was from April 24, 2024 (!) and I haven’t seen any new version for Windows anymore. Can you elaborate? Has the development been (partially) abandoned?

Also, curiously, I see that a version 3.9.4 was released for Linux, which wasn’t even announced here.



Hi @timovanroermund! New versions have not been released for Windows and Mac yet, but it is in the works. We apologize for raising any concerns regarding this!

As for 3.9.4. for Linux not getting announced here, allow me to ask our engineers! I’ll get back to you as soon as I’ve received their reply :slight_smile: