On-Demand Sync like OneDrive

Would be great to see On-Demand sync like on OneDrive.

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Hi @SamTayUK! Could you let me know more on how you plan to use this feature should it be supported on Insync? :slight_smile:

Requests like this appear to have been ongoing since 2015 and they’re typically met with “please let us how are you going to use it?” which is a deflection rather than an answer.

I suspect that people simply want features such as those in the Windows where:

  1. No files are pulled down initially
  2. Explorer shows their names and sizes right away with an extra icon indicating whether the file is cloud only or available locally
  3. Any file that’s loaded is pulled down on demand (and the icon is updated accordingly).

In a nutshell this is simply lazy loading (and NOT selective syncing) and is critical for those with large OneDrive footprints.

I realise that this is a tricky thing to implement as one would have to hook into both the file system and the file manager (not your GUI) of various desktop environments, but please provide a straight answer to:

A) Are the features above on your road map? and if so
B) What is the timeline?

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Hi @dweeden,

Thank you for commenting. We’re not able to provide a timeline for these requests at the moment. They are currently not in our road map for development yet since our engineers are working on other projects (i.e., major bug fixes). However, I understand that such features remain an important function to make your workflow more seamless. I’ll be coordinating with our team to reassess our approach in developing these highly requested features.

Thank you!

Thanks for the quick response and straight answer!

As mentioned, it’s not an easy feature to add but would be a major differentiator if/when it can be implemented, as the current free solutions that I found are all full sync except for one that goes read only when offline.

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No worries at all, and thank you once again for the time and effort in this thread! Our whole team appreciates this kind of involvement in the community discussions.