One GD directory not syncing

I am running insync-headless version in a Debian Stretch VM. it happily syncs all but one directory to my local disk. Note the second entry “Advanced Isolation System” in the get_root_drive_files listing below:

My Drive
Name                                    ID                                                                             Synced
1. Logistics                            root:0BwnA21AIRDQLbHJNR0VkM0xWVkU                                              yes
Advanced Isolation System               root:0B-7bhzg2s5Xsb3RDUlNpV2YtMnc                                              yes
Benefits                                root:0B0W-W9xlcfqbZVk3U0U4cWIyc1k                                              yes
BGI_jbrewster                           root:0B9zF19drEwwgfkJZQmFfY2EtaExlMDJpaHZValk0WHFybDVJMkF3RUhuWHBRU1pibnN6Rm8  yes
Daily Reports                           root:0Bz-r16Cp4DJxMDIxMTdhNjAtZmZhNi00NDJiLWFmYWYtOTFjN2UxZmYxNWE5             yes
Data Archive                            root:0Bz-r16Cp4DJxMjZIUVY0aGd4Y1U                                              yes
DirectUploads                           root:0Bz-r16Cp4DJxNWU2YTAxZjItNmY3Yy00MDY1LWFlNDktODI4NjAzODlkNTI3             yes
Engineering                             root:0BzUPrPNSxtL7Qy1qWHFrYjd6b1U                                              yes
Expenses                                root:0BwnA21AIRDQLNjlreGpzYTFFM3c                                              yes
Job Application                         root:1eiL18calL5ZthZRvhF9mHBXpN0oljpLbF6tPKKNJQ3M                              yes
logistics_GD.txt                        root:1aqKiSISmpG3ZkW9mmxyTXtt-43yt81m-                                         yes
logistics_INS.txt                       root:1NBFUTcB0lprLLhzjXx96RNDyQoZRXfDs                                         yes
Misc                                    root:0Bz-r16Cp4DJxS0R2U3h4Z09KbDQ                                              yes
Presentations or Slide Sets             root:0B-7bhzg2s5XsT0pLVGVRSzBRREk                                              yes
Public Share                            root:0Bz-r16Cp4DJxNWU5ZWYwMmItMjAzMi00ZDE3LWEzYmMtZTgzZWRlOGMyNWY5             yes
Purchase Order Log                      root:0B0W-W9xlcfqbUkoyZmJPVmVJelk                                              yes
Service Support                         root:0BzUSy6xWhCx1NGQyNGJmNDAtMWMzMC00MjY5LTgwYzQtM2VjNzU3ZmQ4ODEy             yes
Software                                root:0B00oVUROHwm0QVg5d1NMeFd2TEE                                              yes
Surveys                                 root:0Bz-r16Cp4DJxMDA4Yzk4MjEtZGRjNC00MjI5LWEwZmUtMzM1ZjlmODMwNTZj             yes
SWDev                                   root:0Bz-r16Cp4DJxN2UyY2FkMzItMmY4NS00YzM1LTk3NmYtYWIyNzBjOTVmYTNk             yes
Sysadmin                                root:0Bz-r16Cp4DJxRDIzdHZ5ZS1CdUE                                              yes
Technical Paper Archive                 root:0B_gldzhbU0WLZ2pFSEJVX1BweWc                                              yes  root:1VEY7X6OS9JcFOGed6RIQ2x_VV-4kGgJAYlf-YQRcZfk                              yes

Now note the listing of the local directory:

    root@GDrive:/data# ls -l 
total 1944 drwxrwxrwx 13 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 10:25 1. Logistics drwxrwxrwx 11 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 10:24 Benefits drwxrwxrwx 6 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 16:43 BGI_jbrewster drwxrwxrwx 9 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 10:25 Daily Reports drwxrwxrwx 7 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 10:40 Data Archive drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody 4294967294 4096 Dec 28 2011 DirectUploads drwxrwxrwx 10 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 10:26 Engineering drwxrwxrwx 11 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 10:25 Expenses -rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody 4294967294 234 May 8 2017 Job Application.gdform drwxrwxrwx 5 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 10:41 Misc drwxrwxrwx 4 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 13 14:05 Presentations or Slide Sets drwxrwxrwx 3 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 16:29 Public Share drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 16:43 Purchase Order Log drwxrwxrwx 15 nobody 4294967294 12288 Feb 13 14:05 Service Support drwxrwxrwx 4 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 13 14:06 Software drwxrwxrwx 18 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 16:30 Surveys drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 16:34 SWDev drwxrwxrwx 3 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 16:55 Sysadmin drwxrwxrwx 9 nobody 4294967294 4096 Feb 12 16:29 Technical Paper Archive -rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody 4294967294 222 Jul 18 2017 root@GDrive:/data#

I have confirmed that all insync thinks all the syncing has been done and that there are no errors:

root@GDrive:/data# insync-headless get_status
root@GDrive:/data# insync-headless get_errors

I restared insync-headless in no-daemon mode so that messages are logged to the shell and then did a force_sync on Advanced\ Isolation\ System in a different shell:

The logging window shows:

root@GDrive:/data# insync-headless start --no-daemon
INFO     2018-02-13 15:08:18,893 [__main__insync-headless__:main:56] insync version:
INFO     2018-02-13 15:08:18,894 [__main__insync-headless__:main:57] client created 
INFO     2018-02-13 15:08:18,894 [unix_socket_server_portable:start:47] unix socket server thread start
INFO     2018-02-13 15:08:18,895 [__main__insync-headless__:main:62] starting client
INFO     2018-02-13 15:08:18,898 [fswatch:_start:532] LinuxFSWatcher._start
INFO     2018-02-13 15:08:18,900 [fswatch:_pull_loop:267] Inotify loop enter
INFO     2018-02-13 15:08:18,902 [gdsyncer:sync_account:145] Syncing GDUser(id=u'100773020912871325901', email=u'', name=u'Administrator BellGeospace').
INFO     2018-02-13 15:11:12,705 [fswatch:watch:550] watch origin: /data
INFO     2018-02-13 15:11:22,887 [client:__on_gd_account_added:802] GDUser(id=u'100773020912871325901', email=u'', name=u'Administrator BellGeospace') (existing) is now being synced.
WARNING  2018-02-13 15:11:22,889 [clientmenuitems:_do_for_cm:215] Received CM action u'refresh_local' for u'/data/Advanced Isolation System' but there's no GDocsFile.
INFO     2018-02-13 15:11:23,417 [_updater:_run:113] No updater available.

Can anyone suggest how to get this directory to sync?

Tagging our engineer @jimperio and he will get back to you.

@Administrator_BellGe Could you check whether the “Advanced Isolation System” folder is checked (i.e., selected to sync) using $ insync-headless manage_selective_sync [your account email] ?

If it is, could you try unsyncing it first (applying the changes), and then selecting it once again to sync?

Have already done that - no improvement. The directory still does not appear on the local host.

@Administrator_BellGe Hmm, I see. In that case, could you please send an email to with a link to this forum thread, as well as the following files attached (or a link to the files if they’re too large to send as an email attachment):

  1. ~/.config/Insync/logs.db
  2. the entire “dbs” folder at ~/.config/Insync/dbs , compressed