One-way Selective sync

Kinda confused trying out insync. The support articles seem to show a different version with slightly different UI features, one of which seems to be how you’d potentially ignore the base folder set during setup and instead use one-way selective sync of specified directories. Is this even possible? In trying to all I’ve managed to do was get the daylights scared out of me by insync moving a huge video project to its basefolder.

Hi Ramma :slight_smile: Could you let me know what article you’re pertaining to and what your current OS + Insync version is?

Also - what did you mean by Insync moving a huge video project to its base folder? Insync uses a sync location on your machine which the user chooses/assigns upon adding an account to the app.

Somehow I was getting this support article, which I’m just noticing specifies it’s for version 1.5.

I’m using Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.3) with insync 3.5.4.

I’m still not completely sure how the video project got moved, but it was fully synced to my Google Drive from a folder that would have been outside the default base folder. Then it somehow moved into the default basefolders location when I went to see if things were syncing. My best guess is something got confused with me trying to figure out regular sync vs one way sync, but I was able to move that project back to where it needed to be with no issue.

Thinking about my initial question a bit more too, I think the function I’m actually looking for is one-way copy of folders outside of the basefolder location. One-way sync would be useful, but as I understand it that would remove any files that were removed locally upon sync. So a copy function like rclone that copies the changes to files present is what I was thinking of.

Hi! Hmm yeah that’s super outdated, you may refer to these setup guides instead:

Google Drive:
Selective Sync:

Our 1-way sync works such that any changes on the source is synced to the target, but not the other way around. So if you want to do a local-to-cloud 1-way sync, this can be done via Local Selective Sync (as shown here).

The local becomes your source, while the cloud is the target. In this example, any changes made locally will sync to the cloud, but any changes in the cloud doesn’t get synced down.

Could you expound more on what you mean by rclone copying the changes to files present? Perhaps if you could redirect me to a documentation so I can refer to that and see if this is a possible feature improvement or if I can suggest a solution for you via Insync :slight_smile:

That description of insyncs selective sync sounds like it may do what I’m trying to then.

Here’s the documentation for specific rclone function I’m referring to.

The way the folders are handled by rclone’s copy command isn’t really relevant to my use case, and insync seems to have options that work fine for folder management. What is important is how copy only copies file changes and never removes files on either, especially so if they are removed on the source. So it essentially functions like you’re copying to removable media and over-writing files that had changes made.

@Ramma_Llama Thank you for sharing more info on what you’re looking for!

Right now, Insync’s 1-way sync will remove files on the target if they are removed from the source (but not vice versa). That seems to be the main caveat I’m seeing right off the bat.

In any case, let me know if you’d like to further test how 1-way sync works on Insync!