One way sync/additive sync (released in 3.4.x!)

Hope this is coming in the big update to InSync! Would be a great feature.

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Really need this feature, two-way sync today ruined all my files.

Otherwise, I would never use this software again.

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I too would love to see this feature added! I never have the need to update or sync files to my Google Drive from the Insync client - I only need data to be synced “down” from my Google Drive to my PC.

I would love to see one way sync but from local to google drive sync only meaning if I delete local it still stays on google drive. But drive doesnt sync back down to local

Any update on 1 way sync? This would be a huge feature over the new Backup & Sync tool by Google.

+1 on this for me too. Sad that it’s been over 2 year since the original post. This is a hugely much needed feature, with security implications. It’s extremely common for people to use their Google Drive as the “storehouse”, and just because I delete something locally, doesn’t mean I want it removed in Google. Virtually any syncying software I’ve every used, has conflict resolution settings to control what you want to happen. A simple - “Google always wins” setting would be a huge step forward.

Any updates on where this feature stands???

I really need this too badly, need to sync from linux to google drive, not the other way around! Destroyed my backup.

I like the insync software and would like to thank you for it, but the one-way sync feature was the first thing I was looking for in such software! It is a shame that it is not available! I wonder what is the reason behind your reluctance to implement it despite all the requests?

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Hiya, just wanted to add my vote to this feature. I want to use Google Drive as a backup store for some folders, but I don’t trust Google not to mess up/delete my files (it’s happened before!) and have that synced back. A one-way sync would be amazing!

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@jbr @Dmitry @gzxmx94 @Dave_Crain @Ryan_Merchant @mosmos @Shuey @Eleatmelon @neoark @Yaroslav_Bulatov @roqvist

Hey guys! We’re looking into releasing new features after Insync 3 comes out, and one of those things is one way sync. To make this feature better, we wanna hear your use case and what your needs are so we can cater this feature to you and our other users.

Are any you available for a 1:1 interview sometime next week or the week after that?


Hello, jbec.

I need this option (one way sync) for encrypted folders. I only want computer->Drive sync so I don’t lose my encrypted data if something happens in Google Drive (account compromising, for example).

Thank you.

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My usecase: one way sync as a form of backup to a headless server, creating .tar files of my Google Docs. I burnt myself some two years ago when insync deleted some files from my Google Docs to a point when they weren’t even available in a trash / history - they vanished like they’d never been there. Since then I stopped using insync but I’d happily pay again for a version that would let me create local snapshots of my Google Documents.

Keep up the good work!


Hi Jbec,

When will the one way sync be available? Its been 6 months from your last post. I purchased Insync with the idea that feature was already included.

Dumb ass 2 way sync just wants to duplicate files. Can’t believe this isn’t a part of the software already. On to the next one!

I want to set up folders on a specific machine where any added content is uploaded to a specific Google Drive location. But I only want files to be added - if I remove files from that folder on the computer, they should still be available in Google Drive. (one way sync, or “additive” sync)

When You turn on ONE WAY SYNC option? (just to sync my PC folder with GDrive in one way, from PC to GDrive and not a vice-versa…)


Hi @neogeo, we’re looking into one-way sync (Insync as a backup tool) that allows users to achieve this workflow. We’ll update our users accordingly. :slight_smile:

I am so glad to hear that but, as i see, there is no solution on the horizon in past of years ago… :frowning:
I am eagerly waiting for a solution and I hope it will be soon (until I retire) :slight_smile:

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What’s happening with the one way sync?
As we can see, nothing…

Nothing happened with one way sync yet.
Bed dreams, bed wishes :frowning:
Bed promises from Insync a long time…

Where is this feature? :frowning: