OneDrive folder deleted on sync

I just tried out insync and was really exited to use it but saddly it is unusable.

First problem: Windows UI unresponsive. I already saw a topic about that so won’t get into it.

Second problem: insync deleted my 300GB pictures folder on OneDrive. I wanted to use this to backup my pictures from OneDrive to exfat SSD external drive, since OneDrive doesn’t support anything else except NTFS (why the hell not?!?). So I downloaded insync and was already prepared to buy it. But then the application froze mid sync and it only managed to create a folder named “Pictures”. I used task manager to close frozen insync and opened it agan, next thing I know, all of my pictures are deleted off of OneDrive. I almost had a panic attack (I have a backup on anouther drive but it was 2 years behind) about loosing my pictures. Then I remembered the OneDrive has Recycle Bin and was able to restore all. I tried insync again but this time I made copies of some of my pictures and added them to a folder just to test it again. I removed the previous synced folder and uninstalled and reinstalled insync, logged in again, and selected that new folder for sync. The same thing happened again. Everything was deleted yet again.

I’m glad that I discovered these things on trial and I won’t be purchasing it. I hope that my feedback helps to make the programm better because it has great potential.
At least OneDrive sync application let’s me know that it wants to delete some of my files online, your programm sould not be that eager to delete any of the files.

Hi @Caroline,

I am terribly sorry for what happened! This is a nightmare to any user and I too would have panicked if I experienced this. :frowning: We are continuously working to improve Insync’s reliability and would love to get to the bottom of this.

We have received a similar report wherein a user connected his external Drive and experienced file deletion. Did you use the external drive (root) as the Base Folder (sync location) during setup?

Furthremore, do you mind sending your log files to us so we can investigate further? If not, please send the following to with the link to this post:

  • logs.db
  • out.txt
  • data folder
  • live folder

Thank you!