Open insync file in a chrome google docs app

I can have a more native office application feeling with google drive when I do the following steps.

  1. Install the google docs as chrome app[1] (or slides, sheets, etc).

  2. Set google docs app to open in its own window (first screenshot).

  3. Create an shortcut of google docs in application menu of linux (second screenshot)

    These steps enable me open the google docs more like a native office application (third screenshot).

Today, if when I click in a google drive file, fetched by the insync, the insync open the file in a chrome tab.
However, will fantastic if when I click in a google drive file, fetched by the insync, the insync open the file in this google docs chrome app.
This way an can have a complete ative office application feeling.
Is there some way I can do this?

Best regards.


as of now it’s not possible, but it might be something we can consider. Thnaks.