Problem with auth code

When trying to add an account via auth code for a headless linux machine, I get this error after running insync-headless account add -a [code] cloud -gd

Sorry, an error occurred: (<HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED: 401>, b’{\n “error”: “unauthorized_client”,\n “error_description”: “Unauthorized”\n}’)

Hi! What’s your headless version, please?

My current headless version is: Using aarch64 architecture, and this version was the only one I could find on the forums.

I see! Could you please provide your Linux distro and version?

In my case i’m using Fedora Linux Asahi Remix 40.

@Antonio_Jose_Peres_S Hi! What’s your current Insync version on this distro?

i’m using Fedora Linux Asahi Remix 40
insync using aarch64 architecture.

Hello @Antonio_Jose_Peres_S,

Thank you for confirming! The build you mentioned was a beta (test) build for ARM. We have not yet released an updated version as we only officially support Intel and AMD architecture.

Regardless, let me know forward this to our Linux Team so we can revisit the possibility of fully supporting ARM in the future.