Problems with the new v1.2 UI Design

Having upgraded to the v1.2 on my Linux desktops and I’ve got to say I’m not super impressed.

Why is the window so small? I feel like I’m working in a postage stamp. Why can’t I resize it to show more detail?

And it’s stuck in the top corner of the screen - in fact the wrong screen on my multi screen setup (but that’s covered by a bug report elsewhere).

And you have decided to put a quit button in the top right corner where I would normally expect to find a close button for the window, so I keep unintentionally quitting the app. I found that the way to close the window is to click the system tray icon again - in the other screen.

Apart from that I like it :smile:

@Steve_Manning Thank you for reporting this. We are aware of this issue and we are working on a fix for this issue.

We will also have to look at your feedback regarding with the quit button. :smile:

Have a great day!