Purchased Teams license but it still says "You are on a Teams Trial""


I have already bought a Teams License but the app in Fedora still says Unlicensed. Used the refresh button but nothing happened. Also reinstalled Insync but the issue persists.
Pls support! The same happens on 2 different PC-s with Fedora 31.


Hi @ninidhevini,

Can you send me your receipt at support@insynchq.com with the link to this post, if you haven’t? :slight_smile: Please include the email you see on your Insync app!

EDIT: I saw you’ve emailed already! :slight_smile:


I confirm that the service is now OK and licensed.

I congratulate you for this great app. Very simple and functional.
It eases my everyday tasks (work and personal) a lot.

I strongly recommend it.

Many thanks,

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