Resync with Symlink is giving trouble


I installed Insync on my Ubuntu home server (running Ubuntu Gnome). I synced it to my local folder /share2. I then created symlink in it to sync my folders that were on /share such as /share/Music is now linked from /share2/Music. Everything has been synced to my Google Drive nicely (it amounts for 5.8TB).

2 weeks ago, I, finally, activated the 2 steps identification on my Google account. as a result (I am not 100% sure this is really the consequence) I had to re-login with Insync. This leaded to a problem (can’t remember the exact issue just now…) and on Insync forums, it was recommended to remove the account and add it again, what I did.

The hiccup is that now, it tries to resync and creates folders in /share2 so now, I have /share2/Music a symlink that points to /share/Music and /share2/Music (2)a folder that is now filling in with the same content as/share/Music`.

What should I do to get it working again?

@Memes11: Hi, please try these steps as a workaround:

  1. Uncheck the Music folder in the selective sync interface. This will delete the /share2/Music (2) folder.
  2. Remove the /share2/Music symlink. This might move the Music folder in Drive to the Trash. If it happens you can just restore it.
  3. Make a backup of the /share/Music folder just in case.
  4. Recheck the Music folder in the selective sync interface. When the Music folder has been created locally pause Insync.
  5. Remove the Music folder locally and replace it with a symlink to /share/Music.
  6. Resume Insync.

hi i am having the same trouble in Mac os !!
all my folder a dupllicated to (2)

this is a nightmare !!
why this append ???

you whant we delet all this duplicate folders ???
this is a joke !!