Size limit in ignore rules

Hello, I am new in the forum because I still have not found any big problem. That’s good :slight_smile:
But I found a very big lack. Someone else asked about it in the past, too. It is a common feature of other clients.
I am talking about the size limit. So if for example I save a SQL dump in a folder of a client, just for temporary use, it will be uploaded to the Drive and will fill most of the free space, without any need.
I think that at least a basic rule, like: ignore > 500 MB is certainly needed. It would be nice to mix a rule like this with other rules, like for example ignore .zip > 500 MB, but one step at a time.
Thank you for your kind reply

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Hey! Thanks for this feedback. Indeed a few users have raised the suggestion to include file size as an ignore rule. I’ll forward this to our Product Team and engineers for consideration :slight_smile:

While I second your feature request, I’m still curious why you think, storing such a big, temporary file to a synced folder is a great idea to begin with. As certainly you know what is going to happen next. And it’s not only wasting space but wasting bandwidth which is even more valuable.

I first would think of a folder like “temp” or something clearly out of the synced tree.


The feature itself still would help distributing certain files to certain clients like keeping desktop and notebook synced on all videos but leave the big ones off the smartphone. Things that otherwise must be managed with different folders.

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Hold on, maybe I’ve been misunderstood.
I was talking about generating a dump in the client’s folder that is used for storing the project’s data. This dump will be useful, let’s say, two months. It’s not something that I would normally want to upload, but still I need to generate it in that folder on my computer (for someone else could be a video). So with Sugarsync or Mega, for example, I set a limit to the size of the files that are automatically uploaded to the cloud storage, avoiding wasting bandwidth and storage size.
It’s only a filter saying: every file which size is over 300 MB, just ignore.
Thank you for your attention and your kind reply

Seems like there are different angles of how this feature would be utiilized - short-term and long-term. Keep big files excluded (as needed, like raw video files) as well as temp files that are being used for a project (and will later on be deleted).

Fair point on both situations and seems to go towards a similar goal of reducing bandwidth for files that are not necessary to be synced within the directories. :slight_smile: